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Worst Foot Forward

Jul 29, 2019

Open your doors of perception and take a long toke of this week's mind-bending episode. With guest Jacob Hawley - comedian and host of BBC podcast, Jacob Hawley: On Drugs - we snort, sniff and soft-boil any substance we can in search of the World's Worst Narcotic. Barry hangs around the sewage pipes of Zambia, Ben...

Jul 27, 2019

In this month's bonus episode (paid for by our kind donors on Patreon), we revisit our episode about the World's Worst Cook with Fiona Sagar and specifically, the deliciously daft Futurist Cookbook. We learn about the origins of the Futurist movement and its nasty nationalistic side, we discover why arch-Futurist...

Jul 22, 2019

This week we have our tuning forks and ear trumpets out as we play the world's worst musical instruments. We are joined by comedian, writer, tutor and former recorder-enthusiast Alex Kealy, who regales us with tales of the vuvuzela's bio-hazardous capabilities. Ben looks at

Jul 15, 2019

Straighten your tie, sit up straight, eat up your greens and don't even think about listening to this podcast dressed in that short skirt as this week we're talking about the world's worst parents.
We're joined by stand-up comedian (and former senior vice-president) Cally Beaton who shares with us tales of...

Jul 8, 2019

Well hey there good looking, let's say you and me head back to my place, hop on the good foot and do the bad thing?  That's right, listen to a podcast all about terrible chat-up lines (whilst rutting.)
We're joined by comedian Juliette Burton this week to talk about the worst wooing imaginable: why Casanova is more...