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Worst Foot Forward

Jun 30, 2019

For what you are about to hear, we are truly sorry. Which is appropriate, as we are all about the World’s Worst Apology this week in the company of the sorry excuse for a human that is Angus Dunican and with guest judge, Patreon supporter and friend of the show, the unforgivable Dr Keir Shiels. We have big hitters...

Jun 29, 2019

It's the hottest day of the year in the UK as this episode drops, so perfect weather to sprawl on a beach or under a tree and get a bit of extra knowledge about one of our favourite people. We chose Emperor Norton I of the United States as our world's worst monarch so in this bonus episode, paid for by our Patreon...

Jun 23, 2019

As we still feel the ugly reverberations of the 2008 crash it's about time 2 1/2 decent minds got together and drilled to the bottom of it.  Barry and Ben are joined by ex-wealth management expert and current stand-up comic Eshaan Akbar to talk about the world's worst banker. We find out who the worst scoundrel in the...

Jun 17, 2019

We’ve got the World’s Worst Assassin firmly in our wavering crosshairs today, with comic and card-ninja Javier Jarquin as our killer guest. It’s jam-packed with familiar figures like Lincoln, Rasputin and Nero, as well as some lesser known stories. Ben tells tales of booby-trapped Nazi chocolate, Javi finds a...

Jun 10, 2019

After 120 episodes we thought we'd finally dispense with a guest and go toe to toe.  Barry and Ben duke it out over who the worst host of all time is, with special guest judge (and $10/month Patreon donor) Lydia Mizon deciding the winner.

Together they reveal morbid Roman dinner parties, give the elevator pitch for the...